Laser Hair Helmets & Vibrating Forks

Laser Hair Helmets & Vibrating Forks

Last weekend I saw a Christmas display in a store that was the same size as their Halloween display. We’ve officially entered the Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas marketing portion of the year. Municipalities all over the country are infusing pumpkin spice into the...

Where My Mind Wanders

Where My Mind Wanders

The other day I was thinking about pole vaulting. Not doing it myself, mind you. There’s no senior division in track and field like there is in golf. Too bad, actually. Who wouldn’t want to see AARP members doing the 100-meter hurdles? No, I was thinking about why you...

Snakes & Needles

Snakes & Needles

I woke up this morning to a report out of Mesa, AZ that a pest removal company took 20 snakes out of a homeowner’s garage. He called to say they had been there for several days. Several days? How do you not burn the place to the ground, let alone let them hang out for...

Hurricane Tales: Part 2

Hurricane Tales: Part 2

The fun continued at Section D of Plantation Estates. In the afternoon, we went to a movie because there was nothing else to do. We saw Mission Impossible. The movie was 3 hours long and could have been about 2 and still not lost anything. The shocking part is this...

A Giant Swirling Nuisance

A Giant Swirling Nuisance

I’m on the run this week. I was supposed to be on vacation, but a giant swirling nuisance formed out in the Atlantic and has decided to run headlong into the state of Florida. When we left home on Saturday, it hadn’t even formed into a tropical storm, depression, or...

Shoulder Malfeasance

Shoulder Malfeasance

Yesterday I began physical therapy on my left shoulder. I’m sure that you’re all thinking “What stupid thing did you say to your wife, and did she hit you with a chair or a two-by-four?” Nothing of the kind took place, I assure you. After eleven years of...