Sincere Presents

Sincere Presents

Gift giving is different all over the world. Take Japan for example. It’s customary to receive the gift with both hands and open it later, when the giver isn’t present. Or in Ghana, a gift should be wrapped and given with the right hand. In Russia, you shouldn’t give...

Good Luck & Mangos

Good Luck & Mangos

I was on the road again last week. This was the last trip for a while and it was for pleasure, not work. This time we visited our youngest son in Hawaii. Sounds rough, I know. But somebody has to have a kid in Hawaii and we thought, “why not us?” Actually, that one...

The Butt Cheek / Hookery Part of Town

The Butt Cheek / Hookery Part of Town

My wife and I took a road trip to Columbus Ohio to see the band Toto this weekend. Columbus is the home to Ohio State University and White Castle. There are probably some famous people from there, but I was too lazy to look them up. I do know (now) that it is the...

How Do I Know?

How Do I Know?

Decisions are hard. Last week I had to make a whole bunch of decisions about who would win games in the college basketball tournament. I can safely say that most of those decisions were bad. I’m dead last in the pool I did with my wife, sister-in-law, and their...

Rejected By NASA

Rejected By NASA

Want to live on Mars? Well, you can. Sort of. You can live on a fake Mars for a whole year and get paid to do it! The same people who brought you Apollo 13, Tang, and the Space Shuttle are looking for 4 people to enter a Mars simulator for one year. You will run...

Meet the Melvins

Meet the Melvins

(Here's an excerpt from an upcoming Tales From a Roundabout) Joe Melvin revved the engine of his Ford pickup truck with the transmission in neutral. Tears streamed down his cheeks. It was past 11:00pm on a Wednesday and the only lights around were from his headlights...