State Your Occupation for the Court

State Your Occupation for the Court

I was watching the TV adaptation of The Lincoln Lawyer the other night. The scene in question had the lawyers selecting members of the jury for an upcoming trial. The judge instructed the potential jurors to state their name, occupation, and marital status when called...

How to Tune a Spoon

How to Tune a Spoon

My mother-in-law let a nugget slip at brunch this past weekend that was too amazing to pass up. She hired a spoon player. “You hired a what?” my sister-in-law asked. “A spoon player,” my mother-in-law confirmed. “You know, those guys that play the spoons.” Now my wife...

Severed Heads and Cheetos Bags

Severed Heads and Cheetos Bags

Tomorrow, men in overalls will come take all my worldly possessions and move them to an undisclosed bunker in northern… No wait, that’s my doomsday blog post. Today isn’t doomsday. (Unless you’re a moody teenager and then every day is doomsday, particularly junior...

Greek Food and Toe Knuckles

Greek Food and Toe Knuckles

I’m a member of a Facebook group called Indy Local Foodies. Now before we get started, let’s get this out of the way. I’m not a foodie. I’ve never been described as a foodie, nor do I use that word in conversations on a regular basis. I joined because it’s a great...

An Olympic Sport You’re Not Likely to See

An Olympic Sport You’re Not Likely to See

The news is terrifying these days. And I’m not even talking about the election. Last week scientists announced that sharks off the coast of Brazil tested positive for cocaine. I had no idea things had gotten that bad in the shark community. Sure, they’ve had alcohol...

Proper and Fortuitous

Proper and Fortuitous

I've written about how I love torturing scammers and spammers before, and today one of those instances popped up in my Facebook memories. It made me laugh, so I thought I would share. It's from 2019, and I don't think I shared this one before, but if I did, my...