My Brain Has a Gremlin

My Brain Has a Gremlin

I think my brain has a gremlin. And that might not be a bad thing. It’s helped me come up with some good story ideas. One of those is available for the first time today! More on that in a moment. First, did you see the movie Gremlins? Every time one of the nice...
The Euphemism is on Fire

The Euphemism is on Fire

A few weeks ago in Houston, a woman was playing a “gaming machine.” A gaming machine is a euphemism for gambling, much like “circle back” is a euphemism for “I really don’t want to talk about this right now.”  Anyway, she was...


Are there any holiday traditions that you think are dumb? (I know I’m entering dangerous territory here, so if I offend you pretend this message came from John Grisham.) For me, it’s outdoor live nativity scenes. I was invited to be part of one once, and I can’t think...
Joy Mongering

Joy Mongering

Recently, in a moment of madness, I clicked on a headline for some political squabble. One side was accusing the other of fear-mongering. That got me thinking, is there a good kind of mongering?  Let’s face it, mongering gets associated with all the...
Gruntled And Whelmed

Gruntled And Whelmed

We’re only a week or so away from Thanksgiving and I’m feeling gruntled and whelmed. That’s a good thing, by the way. It’s very close to being thankful —which I will be next week when pie returns to our kitchen.  I’m on a campaign to make...