We Conspire Daily to Vex You

We Conspire Daily to Vex You

Did you know I have a day job? Believe it or not, selling books doesn’t pay the bills. Oh, it does if you’re John Grisham, Stephen King or Janet Evanovich. I’m sure their ends meet. In fact, I would be willing to wager their ends meet, circle back...
The Magical Used Car of Awesomeness

The Magical Used Car of Awesomeness

What parents think their kids deserve and what kids think they are entitled to can be vastly different. One great illustration of this is when your child hits the teenage years (also known as the Great Tribulation). There are a growing number of scholars who believe...
Spy Pigeons

Spy Pigeons

Last week a story out of India flew beneath the radar (pun intended). India has accused Pakistan of using spy pigeons along the border. I’m not making this up. No, this isn’t 1937.  Can you believe it? In the year 2020, Pakistan is using spy...
I Hope This Finds You Dressing Like a Pirate

I Hope This Finds You Dressing Like a Pirate

photo credit: greyloch Pirate lass via photopin (license)photo credit: Graham Ó Síodhacháin IMG_0483 (Copy) via photopin (license)photo credit: Graham Ó Síodhacháin FNK_3847 (Copy) via photopin (license)photo credit: Graham Ó Síodhacháin FUNK8993 via photopin...


This morning I let my dog out to do his morning business. When I brought him back in, I handed him a treat and wondered aloud, “Why doesn’t anyone hand me a treat when I go poo?”  My wife answered from the other room, “You should blog...