Best Selling Author

Jeff Stanger

Jeff Stanger writes funny novels that usually have the game of baseball as a backdrop. You don’t have to be a student of the game or even a fan to enjoy them, however. There is enough mystery, danger, and even romance to keep you on the edge of your seat. His current work includes the Quick Baseball Mystery Series which follows the exploits of a rare baseball memorabilia dealer who always seems to land himself in the middle of a criminal case to be solved. The first installment, The Fungo Society, finds Quick at Spring Training trying to find a rare game used jersey. Along the way, he meets a group of old ballplayers named the Fungo Society. Think Bull Durham meets Grumpy Old Men meets Oceans 11!
In addition, Stanger has written Trolley Dodgers which follows the Midwest college town of Bloomington, IN as they try to buy the Los Angeles Dodgers. He also wrote Kansaska, a funny look back at the semi-pro minor leagues of the 1940’s.
Stanger lives and writes in Indianapolis, Indiana. Along with writing, he is a member of the faculty at The Fund Raising School at the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at Indiana University and a nonprofit consultant.

Other Books

The Fungo Society

The first entry in the Quick Mystery Series.

72 Hours in Savannah

Quick is up to more shenanigans in this short story.


Travel back in time for one funny season in the KRAP League.

Trolley Dodgers

If you’ve ever dreamed of owning a baseball team…


“Sprinkled with wit and the aura of a Philip Marlow mystery, The Fungo Society is an updated version of the old classic whodunit.”

– Lisa McCombs, Readers’ Favorite


“A refreshing reward especially for readers who are looking for a good dose of humor. Quick is a likable main character. The Indiana Jones of sports memorabilia.”

– Amazon Review


“The dialogue is funny. The characters are funny. The situations are funny times three.”

– Amazon Review

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How to Tune a Spoon

How to Tune a Spoon

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