Welcome to the third installment of Tales From a Roundabout, where hilarious stories of everyday life are set in a city obsessed with art, status, and of course, roundabouts!
Travel back to Carmel, Indiana, where nothing is as it seems, and ordinary lives intersect in unexpected ways. In the third volume of Tales From a Roundabout, get ready to catch up with some of your favorite characters and experience their hilarious adventures.
Mayor Teddy Wiggins is back on the dating scene, his ex-wife is dating an alpaca rancher, and a local artist is about to blackmail the mayor. The Lakewood Estates boys are on a mission to win the coveted Golden GameBox, but they’ve been banned from the one place they can get entry tickets. A string of absurd burglaries has Officer Lupinsky puzzled. Who puts lipstick on a Guinee pig?
Meanwhile, in the Lakewood Estates annex, a prank war is heating up between political rivals. Someone is going to die. And twenty goats are missing from the Yoga Yert.
This collection of stories is sure to have you laughing out loud and falling in love with the characters that call this city home. So, buckle up and get ready to take a wild ride through the city's winding roads and 150+ traffic circles.
With plenty of laughs and unexpected twists, this delightful collection of tales will transport you to a world where anything can happen. Don't miss out on the fun - grab your copy of Tales From a Roundabout: Vol 3 today!
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