They Live Next Door To You

They Live Next Door To You

Have you heard of the Nextdoor app? It’s a website/phone app that allows you to spy on  connect with your neighbors. It sounds like a lovely idea, right? Bring us together, promote community, and all that.  It’s not. Instead, it’s a...
Postcards From My Congress Mammal

Postcards From My Congress Mammal

It’s only a short time until the 2020 election. And while everyone is focused on the Presidential race, our local politicians are desperately trying to make sure we don’t forget them. So, every day when I take my dog to the mailbox, I find another postcard...
The Last First Week of School

The Last First Week of School

We’re done here. Well, almost. I suppose our son has to actually finish his senior year and then we’re done. But the milestone of this week is that it’s the last first week of school.  Our youngest is going to be a senior. At this time next year, all...
The Toast Wars

The Toast Wars

Deleted scenes, B-sides, outtakes and unreleased material. Sometimes stuff doesn’t make it into a movie or an album. The same thing happens with blogs for whatever reason. I was piddling around today and discovered some material that was started and never made...
I Was Wrong About Marriage

I Was Wrong About Marriage

Today is my anniversary. In honor of the occasion, I went back to look at the blog post I wrote just days before the wedding (posted below). And all I can say is that I was wrong about the institution. Apparently, I was under the impression it would be more...