Today is my anniversary. In honor of the occasion, I went back to look at the blog post I wrote just days before the wedding (posted below). And all I can say is that I was wrong about the institution. Apparently, I was under the impression it would be more stately and British. It’s not.
It’s hard to be stately when there is an abandoned sock in the dining room. Marriage is like archeology. You’re constantly finding abandoned items and debating:
- How the item got there?
- Who it belongs to?
- What were they doing when they left it there?
- Why didn’t they take it with them?
And just like archeologists, the experts in the house don’t always agree on the answers to those questions. Sometimes they don’t even agree on where we should be digging!
But we do agree we’re going to keep going. The longer this marriage goes, I’m certain it will become more like an Indiana Jones movie (with fewer guns and Nazis).
The first question my wife ever asked me was to make her laugh. I can still do that fairly regularly and she hasn’t grown entirely sick of the material. So, that should keep us going if we keep digging up socks instead of the Lost Arc!
And here is that blog post from before the wedding:
In just a few days, I’ll be turning in my amateur status. That is to say, I’m going pro. I’m getting married. This of course will necessitate a name change. Not hers. Mine.
Of course, it’s common for the bride to change her last name after the nuptials** to that of the groom. So, my future wife could be called Marlene Stanger. However, some women choose to keep their own names. And of course, some try to incorporate both by the almighty hyphen as in Hillary Rodham-Clinton. I’m not sure which path my future wife will choose, except to say that it won’t be Rodham-Clinton-Stanger. We’re not related.
However, when she asked about my preference, I stated that I thought it was a good time to change my name. Lord Theodore Kensington the VI sounds about right to me. It’s very stately and British sounding. Somehow, that’s how I view getting married: stately and British. Is it any wonder I’ve been on the market so long?
Carry on, Citizens!
**Doesn’t the word nuptials sound like some sort of pirate food?
“What’s for dinner Captain?”
“Rum and nuptials, lad.”
“Is it wise to feed the men nuptials again, sir? I think they’ve turned.”
photo credit: Idiolector Rings via photopin (license)

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